

Family Matters - 12/8/24

FAMILYMATTERS - -  December 8, 2024

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The wearing of face masks is optional.

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15AM

Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00AM

Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30PM


Larry’s sermon title for today is: “Reflections about the “last days” of 2024”

“The Potter and the Clay”

Jeremiah 18:1-11


How did God shape the “church” into becoming a “glorious church” (Matt. 16:18; Eph. 5:25-27).   Are there people, circumstances, and situations in the lives of believers that God uses to bring them to maturity and completeness in Him?  In 2024 what has occurred in our lives that testifies to the loving hand of the Father and His work in the hearts and lives of those who honor and obey Him?   Spiritual growth takes place gradually as His Word guides our thoughts, words, and actions and in seeing the benefits that come from having an awareness of His presence each day.


In Our Prayers

 Linda Chopic had shoulder replacement surgery, she is home recuperating, Kacey Kohler (upcoming galbalder surgery), Kaleb Seifert, Soni & Ray Lee, Tracy Hood, John Clark, 

Marguerite Wildman, Sharlene Stewart, Donna White, Brenda Hood, Bob & Karen Duncan, 

Debbie Rathburn, Betty Pascute, John Ramsey, Lucas Wildman, Amy Rossi, Elsie Marra, 

Lee Simpson, Belinda Collier,  Patrick Hood,  Amber Smith,  Richard Maas, Marge Ullom, 

Ed & Beth Stevens, Vern Martin, Eric Alfred, Margi Paukovich, Dave Wood, Alice Jean Stone, 

Mary Stottlemyer, Art Bangert.

 All who are suffering in wars (Mideast and Russian/Ukraine).

All those affected by the recent hurricanes 


We rejoice in announcing that on Sunday PM, December 1st, Nicolas and Lucas Wildman were baptized into Christ.  Their confessions of faith were witnessed by our Sunday morning assembly and then their father, Nic, baptized them that evening (using the Lutz's heated pool), with sixteen family & friends witnessing their baptisms.  Praise God for the addition of these young Christians!


Happy Birthday  & Anniversary!

Terry Siverd (12/26), Josh Espinosa (12/29), Lucas Wildman (12/29)



Vital Signs: Week of Dec. 1, 2024  Attendance (28/45) Offering $1519 (avg. over 48 weeks $1289)


We will have our 2nd Sunday covered dish luncheon after service this morning, please join us.


Building Cleaning 2025

A sign up sheet is on the bullitin board in the kitchen for building cleaning for next year. We need cleaning help for January.



Lads to Leaders sign up is under way. Next years convention is April 17-20 in Nashville. The 2025 theme is “Meant for Good”

See Nic and Haley Wildman for more info.


Food Pantry

There is a new box in the lobby, please help fill the box.

We are collecting non-perishable food items. Cereal, Canned soup, stew, boxed scalloped potatoes, mac & cheese , canned fruit, tuna, noodles, canned vegetables, pasta, and sauce.


 Women are meeting every Wednesday at Perkins on Elm Road at 10AM.



Scott McQuain, Jorge Aros Buelna, James Mitchell, Dylan Wood, Olivia Wood.



Inspirational Thought for the Day:

Life without Jesus is like an unsharpened pencil... it has no point.


If you have  news for the Family Matters please call Roseann  330 394-2188, or 330-240-4643  email:

Please note: I am not on Face Book.


For more detailed information see our web site at