

What Lies Beneath



            Some people have a very pedestrian understanding of the cross of Jesus Christ.  There was nothing ordinary about what happened on that hill called Calvary some 2,000 years ago.  It was extra-ordinary to the max.  Most seem to grasp the centrality of the cross.  It is the apex of holy writ, as illustrated by the words of the apostle Paul in 1Cor.2:2 - - I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

            That which calls for more study and a much deeper reflection is the intentionality of the cross.  “(The cross) was a deliberate action - - the result of man’s wickedness, but, even more so, 'due to the set purpose of God, voluntarily accepted by Christ who gave Himself up to death’.  In

other words, the cross was God’s doing, and what a marvelous doing it was!  First, consider that it was Christ Jesus, God’s only begotten Son (Jn.3:16), who was sent to be our Deliverer.  It was the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep (Jn.10:11 & 15).  It was God among us (Philp.2:6).  And it wasn’t just that Christ came, it was that Christ died.  That is precisely why He came (1Cor.15:2).  Thirdly, Christ Jesus died for us (Rom.5:8 and Eph.5:2).  This is My body given for you (Lk.22:19); This cup, which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood (Lk.22:20).  Fourthly, Christ died for us that He might bring us to God (1Pet.3:18).  And since it was our sins that blocked us from receiving the gift God wanted to give us, Christ died for our sins.  Christ was the perfect Lamb without blemish (1Pet.1:19), but He was dirtied for us - - the Just One took the pen-alty for the unjust (1Pet.3:18).  To reiterate this point perhaps it would be helpful to change the verbiage just a bit to say, Christ died our death.  The wages of sin is death (Rom.6:23).  This death was not a physical death (such is within our DNA) but a spiritual that is a separation from God.  (God) made (Christ) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf (2Cor.5:21a).  Herein lies the greatest agony of the cross (Mt.27:46).  And furthermore, His sacrificial death on our behalf opened the way for us to become the righteousness of God in Him (2Cor.5:21b).

            Last, but not least, these profound truths which lie beneath the cross remind us that we’re called upon to respond in faith.  Christ bids us to follow Him in taking up our cross daily (Lk.9:23).  We will never be driven to make such a declaration of death and devotion ourselves if we do not fully comprehend all that God did for us in the sending of His beloved Son.  It is this deep gratitude for God’s great grace that spurs our discipleship.

Such drives us to our knees and such sustains us in days of weakness and trial.  When you feel down and discouraged remember what lies beneath.


    Terry Siverd / Cortland Church of Christ