Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Lesson #7 - Do Not Judge One Another

Series: The One-Another Way





1. Don’t the Scriptures teach us to be discerning?

e.g., Mt.7:15 / beware of false will know them by their fruits.


2. Can it be sinful to not hold others accountable for their sins?

Does the path of least resistance cause us to wink at wrongdoing to a fault?


3. Is there a place for constructive criticism?

When done too much does it lose its value?

How did God respond to the murmuring of Miriam and Aaron against their brother Moses (Num.12:1-15).  cf. Num.16


4. Why do we have so much trouble accentuating the positive instead of the negative?

“A hammer is the only knocker that does any good!”

Two boys were speaking of another lad.  “He's too slow in baseball,”, said the first boy.  “Yes,” replied the other, “but he

always plays fair.”  “But he's so stupid at school," retorted the first.  “Yes," came the defense, ”but he always studies hard.”

This is the better way - - every unkind word spoken by the first boy was cancelled by the second one.  cf. Prov.25:11


5. Have you ever been guilty of misjudging another?

Read the account found in Acts 21:17 that tells how others mistreated Paul.

Discuss a time when you mistakenly “jumped to conclusions".  cf. Jn.12:4-6

Study the parable provided in Lk.18:9-14, about ones who viewed others with contempt.

Note Jn.7:24 / do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.  cf. Js.2:4


6. As fallible humans (not all-knowing) are our judgments sometimes flawed?

When donations to the Prairie Bible Institute began to decline precipitously, during a time when

the school’s president (Dr. Maxwell) had undergone two operations for cataracts, it was soon dis-

covered that the word had spread far and wide that Dr. Maxwell was riding around in two Cadillacs.

Rom.2:1-3 / …in that you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.


7. Even if we’re right, why do we judge so harshly?

When it comes to judging others, the golden rule (Mt.7:12) seems to be cast aside so easily.

True or False:  It is far easier to see the faults of others than in ourselves!

Read Jesus’ admonition in Mt.7:1-5.

Notice how Jesus handled the situation of the woman caught in the act of adultery with grace.  cf. Jn.8:1-11


8. Has God appointed you and/or me to be THE JUDGE?

Rom.14:10-14/each of us shall give account of himself to GOD … 1Cor.4:4/the One who examines me is THE LORD ...

Col.2:16f/let no one act as your judge ... Js.4:12/their is ONLY ONE JUDGE…who are you who to judge your neighbor?


9. What is the ultimate goal of holding others accountable?

See Gal.6:1/restore such a one in the spirit of meekness - - it's restoration, not humiliation and certainly not annihilation.


10. On a personal and confessional note, what is your biggest pitfall when it comes to judging?



? On deck?  Honoring one another


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