

God's Lovingkindness and Our Response

Series: God's Lovingkindness

Link to sermon video: God's Lovingkindness and Our Response - L Siegle

God’s Lovingkindness and Our Response

(Micah. 6:6-8)


Thesis:  The history of Divine Judgment and God’s Lovingkindness Toward His People



1.    The title of this message is, God’s Lovingkindness and Our Response

2.    Last week we developed some concepts from Scriptures that provides a ‘snapshot’ of why God’s lovingkindness has

        been essential in His dealings with rebellion both in the heavenly realm and the earthly realm--(I encourage you to go

        to the website, review the message when you have the opportunity).

        a.    We talked about Genesis 1-11 and the significance of what took place with the “division of the nations” (Deut.

               32:8; Gen. 10:5, 32).--according to the “sons of God” (ESV).

        b.    The “division” of the “nations” (Gen. 10-11) was that God appointed spiritual beings (heavenly host) over each of

               these “nations” (Deut. 4:19-20)--who became the very “false gods” of the nations whom the people worshipped

               and served and whose mission was to ‘draw away’ Israel from the “Most High” God.

        c.     Thus God gives the “nations” over (Rom. 1:18-32) and the people were “blinded” by their worship of the “gods” of

               the nations--but it would be temporary and God, through the “gospel” beginning on the day of Pentecost, had

               begun the process of ‘taking back’ the very “nations” that had been “scattered” (Gen. 10-11).

               1)    Israel was to “scatter” the nations (Deut. 9:1-5).

               2)    Israel was not to worship the false “gods” of the nations (Deut. 12:29-32; Josh. 23:7; II Kings 17:13-17).

3.    The rebellion and division within both the spiritual realm and the earthly realm was being restored through the

        redemptive work of God, in calling to the Jew “first” and also to the Greek (Rom. 1:16)

        a.    “all nations” would begin to flow into the “kingdom” (Isa. 2:2-4)

        b.    Christ is the “standard” through which “all the nations” would be drawn to Him (Isa. 49:22)

        c.     All “nations” would see the “salvation” of the Lord (Isa. 52:10)

        d.    The “nations” would become a “house of prayer” (Isa. 56:7).

        e.    All the “nations” would “see His glory” (Isa. 66:18-20; Rev. 22:1-5)--“healing of the nations”

4.    God sent the prophets to have a message of redemption that was to be inclusive of people of the “nations” (Jer. 1:10;


        a.    The “nations” were drawn and would come to KNOW God (Ezek. 37:22, 28; 38:23).

        b.    The “dominion” and the “kingdom” restored (Dan. 7:14).

5.    The prophet Micah (Isaiah, Hosea, Amos)--all contemporaries were sent to Israel and Judah to warn them about the

        time of judgment that was about to come upon them.

        a.    God has a “case” against both Israel and Judah because of their disobedience and unfaithfulness in keeping the

               covenant with God (Micah 6:2, 3)

        b.    The ultimate judgment was not what happened in 722 BC (Assyrian) or in 586 (Babylon), but that which was

               foretold by Christ (Matt. 23:34-36) at the “end of the age” (Matt. 24:3).

        c.     God delivered the remnant (Rom. 11:5; 26-27) when the prophecies about the “fulness of the gentiles” (Rom.

               11:25; Rev. 7:1-9==144,000 (Israel), and “great multitude” (“nations” regathered that had been scattered).


1.    Our response to God’s lovingkindness is found in Micah 6:8.

2.    God’s mercy, grace, and goodness never fails,

3.    The time of sin and rebellion against God has passed, now is the time to accept the benefits of being in the Kingdom

        of God.

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