About Us

About Us

Mission Statement


The Cortland Church of Christ is comprised of a group of people growing together as a family under the perfect guidance, love, and mercy of God our father. We do not seek glory for ourselves; rather, we seek complete glory for God.

We acknowledge Jesus Christ as the head of the church and the center of our lives.

We believe in the Bible as the inspired word of God. Our aim is to objectively and prayerfully study His Word and to share His message with the community around us and with people all over the world.

We are bound together by:

  1.  Belief in God through His son, Jesus Christ;
  2. Continual prayer, and study of His Word, the Bible;
  3. Remission of our sins through baptism of full immersion;
  4. Ongoing repentance for the sins we commit;
  5. Lifting our voices in songs without instruments; and
  6. Sharing the Lord's supper together each Sunday.